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Totebag design
The Brief
Design of totebags for Evostar Conference, the leading European event on bio-inspired computation, organized by Aalborg Universtiy Copenhagen between 8 – 10 April 2015 in Copenhagen.
constraints: scandinavian design, memorabilia, sustainable, economy, time
The Design
The totebag design for Evostar Conference studies evolution of a form as a reference to the theme and essence of the conference, bio inspired computation, hence evolution theories. Evolution is illustrated as transition from simple to complex. “Star” form is chosen to illustrate this transition due to its connotations within the field.
keywords: minimal, coherent
The Totebag

The Process
Brainstorming + ideation + feedback + finalizing

Idea 1

Idea 2

Idea 3

We liked all the alternatives but really loved the first theme and the first design with the 9 versions of the logo and we would like you to finalise that.
The client, P.B